Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Better way to Fuel (meet my new belt)

Hey Jenne,
  My computer hasn't been working the last few days and so I haven't been able to tell you about all the fun things happening or comment on the amazing things you've been up to...  Technology can be frustrating.

  Let me start with my run last night.  My half is in 9 days and I am now focusing on speed in my long runs.  In the past I have only cared about covering the miles and it didn't matter how fast or slow I went.  This round of training I have found that I have been comfortable running at an 8:30/mile pace in my shorter distance runs but I wanted to see if I could do the same at longer distances.  My goal for my upcoming half is to be running no slower than 9:08/mile, this would bring me in at just under 2 hours. (This same half last year I finished in 2 hours and 9 minutes- so I'm looking to cut off a big chunk of time this year.)  I have found that fueling and hydrating every 2 miles makes a HUGE difference in my performance.  So recently I bought a fuel belt to keep me prepared.  Last night I took my new fuel belt for our first run together.  I chose a new route that added extra hills to my run.  I remember a few years ago when I started running again after 4 years of not running (thank you broken back) I avoided hills.  Now I actually find them to be exciting..  I completed 9 miles last night at an 8:55 pace.  I am happy with the outcome but I know it could have been a lot better.  There were a few things wrong last night: 1- I felt slightly dehydrated, 2- I had not consumed enough calories beforehand, 3- my feet started blistering around mile 7, and lastly, the most painful, 4- I have this one spot under my right arm that rubs against my right armpit area that causes the most terrible chafing rash. At mile 8 I didn't think I could take another step the chafing was so painful... but I pushed myself home and hit 9 miles.  I have to go out and buy some body glide this week.  I can't possibly do that again.  The course for the Steel Rail Half is completely flat, only one DOWN hill!  So I have no doubt that I will meet my goal and possibly come in under my goal!

Now, let me express all of my excitement about your week!  First off, Jungshin class looks like the coolest thing EVER!  I can't even imagine how much fun that must be!  Do you feel like one of Charlie's Angel's?!?  I bet I would get a little too into that class! I really have gym envy when you talk about the awesome classes you can take.
  Now, tell me about yoga.  I know you said you had a difficult time letting go of thoughts... which is something I'm known for too... but what was your favorite part of the class?  Did you learn anything new?  Try a new asana or go deeper in a pose than before?  Did your teacher say anything that struck you as profound?  No matter how anxious or distracted I feel in a class I always leave with something new.  Which is an incredible feeling.

Oh my gawd, I almost forgot to tell you that I made your chia seed pudding and it was so stinkin' good!  Everett and I devoured it!  I mixed mine with almond butter and some fresh berries to give me a real shot of protein.  Delish!  E said we should always have it on hand in the fridge.  Thanks for the inspiration!

Can't wait to read more of your adventures!
Au revoir!
xo xo

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