Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Touring and Curing

Hey Jeni! 

Doesn't time fly when you are having fun! I checked out the blog today to learn that I haven't written you in two weeks. Where the heck did the time go? 

Oh yeah, that's right! I've been cycling, working, and then working at the gym even harder (oh yeah!). 

My vacation to Belgium is in a week and I half and my bag isn't even packed! But I have been getting ready to debut that summer bod! 

But let's go back to the Tour de Cure. I am happy to report that I had a very very successful ride this year. We rode the metric century (62.5) miles at a 15mph pace while supporting a wonderful cause (American Diabetes Association). 

Here we are at the starting line:

Here we are at rest stops throughout the way:

And our lovely bikes that got us through:

Overall I am very pleased with how everything went. I rode with my teammate Keri throughout the entire ride and met with other cyclists that I knew during the ride. 

Two things improved from last year

#1 I raised more money to stop diabetes! 

#2 I completed the ride faster and with less pain compared to last year 

Both of these things make me very happy. 

How have you been? How is your bike? Any biking plans coming up? 


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Let's Give it a TRI

Hey Jen!
  My gosh, I am dying to hear how your ride went and what you've been up to since!  This last week flew by!  I promise that despite my lack of writing I have been staying active.  I'm going to skip over the week and tell you about last night.  E and I volunteered at the HVTC's first TRI of the season.  It was such an awesome experience.  It rained all day and stopped just in time for the race.  We arrived to see the fog lifting off the lake- providing for a breath-taking setting.  Watching the athletes hit the water was something I'll never forget.  It was a blast to be on the cheering squad throughout the race.  E and I manned the transition station from the Bike to Run portion and it really gave me a look at what it will be like next month when I join in.  I was so impressed with the sense of community that surrounded the race- everyone was outgoing and ultra supportive.  I even made some new workout friends and got some great advice!   E and I are going to start meeting up with a few others once a week to do a swim/bike/run workout.  I'm really looking forward to getting in to the water... it's the part that scares me the most!

I've been sewing all day and am now taking a break on the couch- I'm fighting a nasty cold and want to do my best to get rid of it before my half on Sunday... let's hope!  So now tell me all about what's being going on this week and what's coming next for you?

Stay Fit

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Halfway There...

  It's JUNE!   We started writing this blog six months ago as a way to share our goals, hardships and triumphs in regards to our health and fitness.  I can't believe we are already here, halfway through the year.  This weekend I took some time to reflect on my "Goal List" from January and to evaluate my progress thus far.  It was actually really awesome to see how far I've come on some things and to also refocus on some others! 

Here are the facts:

1. I was hoping to run 3) 1/2 marathons by next January.  Next weekend is my 3rd and I'm already registered for 2 more by September.

2. I planed to run a full marathon and was aiming for October... I can honestly say, I'm not to sure I want to do it.  I am really enjoying running half's and being able to set new goals for time... I may want to play at this distance a bit more.

3. Incorporate yoga in my every day... I don't know why I haven't... This will help me to refocus and realize how often I chose to stare at the wall when I'm stressed than do what is truly helpful.  

4. Drink more water... I have to say, on the whole I am doing MUCH better... although I sometimes will go almost the entire day and realize I haven't had any water... those are super stressful days.

5. Use my bike for transportation: CHECK! 

6.  I am toying with the idea of doing my first TRI next Wednesday or just volunteering and waiting until next month... it sort of seems like I should just go for it! 

7. Hopes of becoming a confident swimmer: I start swimming lessons next week! 

8. Wear sun screen while outdoor exercise: CHECK! 

9. COMPLIMENT MY BODY!  I have to say, this has made the biggest difference of all.  I am so much happier and strangely, so much faster, stronger and ballsy than ever.  (I even went sea kayaking this weekend with Everett and surprised us both with how brave I was... more on that tomorrow)

So, have you taken the time to reflect now that we're at the "halfway mark"?  How do you feel?  What have you accomplished?  What have you learned?  What do you need to refocus on?  

Now, keep making goals and demolishing them!  I sure hope to!  
