Tuesday, April 29, 2014

K is for Kinesis!

Hey Jeni! 

How has your week been going? 

I've been doing a lot of interesting workouts since we've talked last. How is your new bike? 

This past Saturday, I tried a small group training session at my gym called Kinesis. It was a really fun circuit type class. It was only 30 minutes but I am happy to report that I felt my triceps the next day! 

My gym has a Kinesis studio where I met up with some friends and we did the training. We went between the Kinesis machines, which you can change up and do different things with, and some core moves. Overall, it was different.  Not quite the weight machines, but not your plain old cardio. My trainer, Dina, told us how Kinesis is really starting to pop up around because the machines are so versatile. I am definitely considering working in some Kinesis into my workout plans. I think variability helps me achieve the overall fitness level I am looking for. 

Maybe if I get there I will start taking selfies when working out too :-)

Tell me all about your week so far! 


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Love Your Body

Check out these abs!!  Thanks Tone It Up

Hey Girl!
  Happy Saturday!  What's better than starting your weekend with a great workout??!?  Nothing that I can think of.  I have a really important day on Tuesday (i'll discuss that further, after Tuesday) and I am looking to push really hard for the next few days.  For starters today I did the most incredible 18 minute kettle bell workout from Tone It Up, in their LOVE YOUR BODY series.  It was incredible!  I feel so strong and tight!!!  Later today Mel is coming over and we're gunna have the most incredible girls night.  Everett is away and Mel's son is with his father, so we fully intend to live it up.  What do two girls that love health and fitness do when the men are away?!? Well workout of course and geek out over running gear and sweet abs.  We're gunna start our night with a nice long run, then make an incredible dinner and then end our night with The Other Woman.  Mel was an extra on the film and we are both pumped to try to find her- the movie also looks incredible anyway!

  How was your Saturday morning??  What are your plans for this weekend?  Any good smoothie recipes that I should try??

Try this workout!  have an ABSolutely wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Accomplishments and Selfies

Jenne Jenne Jenne!  
  Girl, I am in a great mood!!  Tonight I was feeling anxious and knew that if I didn't act fast a horrible mood would take over.  So I threw on my running gear and hit the road.  It was so extremely windy that the first mile was a struggle (might I also add that our house is surrounded by rolling hills, so this was NOT a flat course).  Some how though, I kept every mile below 9 minutes and once I hit mile 5, I felt unstoppable.  I ran my FASTEST 7 mile run EVER: 1 hour 1 minute and 41 seconds.  I have NO doubt now that in 4 weeks from now I can and will crush my goal of a sub 2 hour half marathon.  Each time I set a new record I am surprised at just how "easily it came".  Tonight I was aware that I was pushing myself to stay strong and steady, but I never felt like I was pushing myself to the max.  I just can't believe what I am actually capable of.  If I can run at this pace for the entire 13.1 miles, I could finish in 1 hour 52 minutes.  That's nearly a 17 minute difference from last years time of 2 hours 9 minutes and change.  I mean, that's pretty awesome.

So, what's with the super selfie pic?  Today I saw a great motivational quote on Pintrest.  It said "make your body the sexiest outfit you own".  I love that!  And my entire run I repeated that as my mantra.  I decided to celebrate my accomplishment with making myself my motivation and not needing to stare at Fitspo models.  So, this pic is to cheer myself on.  To mark the changes I see physically.  I will have a 6-pack this summer!

Do you have a mantra?  Do you ever take shameless selfies when you are feeling extra saucy or proud?  I have to admit I like to look at photos of myself from the time of a big accomplishment- they keep me determined and motivated.  

One more day and it's the weekend!!!  What do you have planned.

Good night darling, Fit Dreams!
xo, Jeni 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Me and Roooobertooo

Hey Girl!  
  Yesterday was an incredible day!!  Since October I have sold 15 dresses and have been in a constant state of stress and low on sleep.  Yesterday I shipped the last two dresses on my list!  I am now officially caught up!  To celebrate I rode my bike to the post office.  I felt so free and happy.  I had a beautifully wrapped package tucked in my messenger bag while enjoying the rolling hills and spring time sounds.  It was raining but I just could not bring myself to drive- I couldn't figure out why I had such a strong aversion to driving and as it turns out, it was Earth Day!  My subconscious knew!  I felt so baller, me and my bike.  You asked me the other day if I named it yet... I haven't really thought about it much just yet, but I'm sorta feeling Roberto, heavy on the 'o' rooooobertoooo (roll the R too).  
  How was your Earth Day?  Were you active or did you take the day to be restorative?  I really wish we lived closer together, I day dream about us biking and doing yoga. 

What are your plans for the rest of the week?  I am hoping to run 30 miles in the next 6 days.  I want to make it to 75 miles this month.  

Eat healthy and be adventurous!   

Monday, April 21, 2014

Post Challenge Check In

Hey Jeni! 

I am having some serious bike envy reading your last post. Please send me all details about this lovely bike ASAP! I am still in the process of seeing where I want to go with a commuter bike. 

It's funny you ask about goals and goal setting. My challenge ended on April 5th with some pretty solid results. I decided to go a little extra with my fitness goals, but I really felt like I needed some downtime. 

I had been focused on my diet for three months (with a healthy serving of chocoIate, gelato and mallo cups everyday), but I needed some donuts, Moe's queso and a little time for reflection on my achievements. I tested the waters, I ate a lot of the foods that I cut I out for the purposes of limiting inflammation in my body and I pretty much gained a lot of inflammation weight back! I wasn't surprised. I also had some pretty poor sleeping habits. All and all, I think I convinced myself to jump back on the wagon :-) I felt so much better without nuts, beans, corn and dried fruits. In the end it's about what works for me and how I feel. I realized I feel so much better without the foods that are not friendly to my system. I went light on exercise for a few reasons (a little bit of overachievement on the bike last weekend) but I seem back on track. I still feel my progress, but I want to take that the next step further! 

So where am I at with goals? Here they are:

1. Century bike ride
2. Consecutive days of longer rides on the bike (at least 30 miles)
3. Continue toning specific areas of my body
4. Challenge myself to a bit of abdominal definition (can't be bad for summer right?!)
5. Sleep hygiene
6. Food hygiene (ie. focus on fun, new, fresh recipes that enrich my body without inflammation) 

What are your goals? Anything specific? How will you plan to incorporate the bike into these goals? 



Sunday, April 20, 2014

A New Bike = New Goals

  I know you will understand my excitement when I share with you what getting a good bike means.  My birthday gift, as I have said was a new bike- I didn't get it on my birthday, Everett wanted to do extensive research and have me try a bunch of bikes before we made the final choice.  I finally got my bike yesterday.  It is so superior to anything I have ever ridden.  Everett and I have a list of fitness goals for this summer and several of them revolve around cycling- several types of cycling.  We want bikes that will allow us to go on extensive pack trips, participate in road races and commute to the farmers market.  This bike will allow me all of these pleasures!!  I have typically avoided cross training during my race training, because I didn't have access to much, but now all I want to do is cross train!  

  Every Spring I like to make a fitness goal list for the coming months.  Now that I have my new bike I feel so inspired and eager to be active.  Do you ever write a fitness goal list?  What is on the horizon for you??

hope you had a fantastic weekend!!

xo jeni

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Progress is a Great Reward


  What great progress you made in your challenge!  You set a goal and you reached it- that is so impressive!  I love goals.  I find they keep me focused and motivated.  I also love reaching goals.  I ran my 3rd half marathon on Sunday and I loved it.  It was such a different experience than my other races. At the end of my first two I was depleted and begged for the finish line.  This time around, perhaps because I had several more long runs in my training or maybe my dietary changes, it felt different.  I felt strong the entire race and I didn't need to distract myself from pain or discomfort.  Talk about progress.  I ran this race with my friend Melissa, it was her first race ever.  I registered to run this race WITH her which meant I let her choose our pace, we ran at a pace of 9 minutes and 35 seconds per mile, which is somewhere around a minute faster per mile than my last time around.  I also finished feeling as though I could have kept going, I could have sprinted.  It was such a show of progress that I felt elated all afternoon.  I registered for another half next month where I plan to run sub 2 hrs- which is a pace of 9 minutes and 8 seconds per mile- which I now know I can obtain with ease!  I plan to spend the next 5 weeks with varied training, adding sprinting and weight training, to really give myself some reserve power.
  As for your ride- I am so impressed by your strength and progress.  Now that you crushed the first part of 2014 with weight loss what is your next goal?  Do you have a goal time for your tour de cure ride?   Everett got me a bike for my birthday (yes, back in January) that arrives tomorrow, finally!  For months we have talked about our hope to start a weekly tradition of riding to a little breakfast spot we like called Murray's in Tivoli every Sunday morning.  I think we get to start this week!!  I can't wait.

Congrats on your hard work and results!

You amaze me friend!


Monday, April 14, 2014

The Big Reveal


On 1/4/14, I joined a 90 day transformation challenge at my gym.

Here is day one:

The challenge, as documented, had its ups and downs, but in the end I learned a lot about myself.
I met some inspiring people throughout the challenge and learned how others can help keep you motivated and bring you back when you are in the clouds or down in the dumps. 

Overall, our team lost over 75 pounds and achieved one of the highest weight losses of all teams. One of our team members even won second place for her category (Go Mary Jane!). 

So where did I end up? Well, in a pretty good place! I lost 11.2 pounds, totaling to an 8% change in my body weight. I also lost 2 inches off my waist. 

At the beginning of the challenge I took a photo. I wasn't sure what I would do with the photo. At the end of the challenge, I took another photo. Below share with you these photos... 

It wasn't until I saw them just now, side by side, that I saw the true transformation that took place. 


Sunday, April 13, 2014



Question for you... What is you definition of progress and how do you recognize it? 

Today I recognized progress and thought hard about what it means to me.

I had two interesting bike rides this weekend. One short and mostly flat ride and another long ride with some more hills. Overall I'd say I rode about 45-50 miles this weekend. 

A picture of my ride group:

This makes me feel joyous. What makes me feel even better is the changes I saw while riding. I rode faster and with more energy. I took some risks on the bike to see what would happy. My thoughts moved to the progress I want to make this season. 

Risk #1: Starting the season riding two days in a row
Risk #2: Additional miles to my longer ride by biking to the ride itself instead of driving. 

I feel like both "risks" show my increase in confidence from last season to this season. To me, increased confidence on the bike is definitely progress. 

Overall, this weekend was an A+ in my book. Don't these types of weekends make you feel great?!

How was your weekend? Have you noted any progress? 


Saturday, April 12, 2014

An important first...

Hey Jeni, 

Glad that you are working on your diet... I have been blowing mine off for a week, I need to get back to my veggies. Tonight I wanted frosting, at least I made it homemade right? 

But more importantly... I have an important photo to show you...

Is this the biggest fake out or whatever? Sorry, I couldn't resist. This post will not be about my before and after photos :-)

Today was my first bike ride of the season! It was so exciting.  I did about 15 miles and kept up a pretty solid pace between 16-17 miles per hour. I was quite impresses with myself. Last season (my first) I was excited when I was over 12 miles an hour.  I have a lot of work to do to prepare for my upcoming Tour de Cure ride (http://main.diabetes.org/goto/jennro) on June 8th but I am up to the challenge! 

I am also considering commuting to work this season. I found a real sharp internal hub 8 speed bike, I am hesitant because I want to be sure that I am willing to commit to commuting. Right now my commute is about 2 miles total. It is not a big deal. I do not want to get into the habit of saying, "I'll ride my bike to work tomorrow" and never commute. I love the bike I found, but I need to ensure I am ready! Did you ever find a bike? 

As for the before and after, I am preparing that post and hope it will be up for you very soon. 

Please keep me posted on your running progress. 



Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sugar Free and Happy

  I can't believe so much time has gone by since I have been able to really check in with you.  I am so excited for you and your final weigh in.  The Winter is such a hard time, for so many reason and much like Bears, I sometimes wish I could just sleep my way through it.  I know, that you have been working hard and getting closer and closer to your fitness challenge goal.  Just imagine the results you will have once you can head outside and on your bike!!  If it hasn't yet, I'm sure the sun will head to Rochester soon!  As far as Spring in Germantown, it has arrived- just yesterday.  It is 55* today and sunny and I can not wait to get home and go for a run!  I haven't been able to run for a week.  The last few days of our trip were so hectic and we spent a lot of time in the car.  My last run was in Arcata, CA (the picture above).  It was so beautiful there and so warm.  

  In diet news: I have been put on a non-yeast, non-sugar, non-gluten, non-processed food diet.  I was really sick the last week of our trip and it is a Candida issue.  That's the yeast that's naturally found in your body.  Sometimes it can take over and it is really bad.  5 years ago I was put on the same diet for a year and a half and I felt great... until recently.  Now it's back and worse than ever... the Dr warned that if a person has repeated issues with Candida overgrowth, it can be warning signs of adult on-set diabetes.  WHOA.  I cried!  Not only am I seriously and admittedly addicted to sugar, I could be giving myself diabetes.  WHAT IS MY PROBLEM!?!?  well the last 4 days I have been so good!  Eating so clean and so wisely.  I have taken the time to make all of my meals and to really acknowledge what it is my body needs.  With only 2 days sugar free, the rash on my face went away (it's been there for months).  I guess all of this is just my body telling me to straighten up!  

 How have you been doing with your chips and queso addiction?  Will you have before and after photos??  I'd love to see them!!

Looking forward to your updates!

all the best,