Saturday, February 1, 2014

Charity Miles, January Recap

Hey Jenne!
  So I had a pretty ambicious goal back on New Year's day.  To walk 20 miles a week for Charity Miles.  It didn't go as well as I hopped, but I'm still happy I was able to help at all!!  Why I think it didn't work out- one because several times my phone was dead so my miles couldn't be counted and also, it was in the negatives for a large portion of this month and neither I nor Roscoe could bare to be outside for more than what was absolutely necessary.  Although I didn't reach my goal of 80 miles, I did walk 31.47 and was able to raise $.25 a mile equalling $8.00 for charity purely by walking.  Bettering my health and helping others.  I know $8.00 doesn't sound like much, but if you think about each person donating that much to charity each month, it can really make a difference! 

So friend, what are your fitness plans this weekend?  I thouroughly intend on spending as much time outside as possible.  It was 43* today!!!  That's a 48* difference from what it was last weekend.  Incredible right!? 

Have a great weekend!

Fit dreams!

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