Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ski Time

Hey Jenn!
  I am having such a great time the last few weeks. I'm trying new foods and new activities and surprising myself almost daily!!  I'm looking forward to getting into some real Winter activities but we haven't had any real snow yet, it has all melted the next day.  So today, Ev, our friend Mike and I went to the Catskills to go cross country skiing. It was only a 45 minute drive into the mountains to find 20" of snow!!   It was soooo absolutely beautiful. I am what some might call a "terrible" skier. I fell waaaaay more than I was able to stand and I really hit my knee pretty hard but it was still so incredible to breathe in the fresh air and revel in the beauty that surrounds our home.  I'm hoping we can spend more time in the woods this winter. It's just so amazing what we have available to us- the sights and the opportunities to be active!! 

I'm so looking forward to the next few months. I wanna go sledding and skating and snowshoeing!  

What is your favorite way to be active outside in the colder weather?

Hope you're making the most of your weekend and keeping it active. 


Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Happy Practice

Hey Jen,
  How was your day??  Mine was a bit of a rollercoaster... I slept horribly last night, tossed and turned and maybe got a combined 4 hours of sleep. I'm typically a solid 8-9 hours of blissful sleep kinda gal... But today I was meeting up with two new running friends and I was way too pumped to miss out. So I met with them at 8 and ran 3.5 miles. When I came home I was hoping to do 3 sets of this arms and abs routine but was sooooo wiped out that I did only one set. I realized that on no sleep and just a banana for breakfast I wasn't going to break any records... So I made some protein pancakes and then did another set. I was sort of bummedout about my weak performance. But i kept reminding myself to be kind and compassionate. 

This evening I did a little self-led yoga practice and it was incredible!!! First of all, I found a pandora station called "yogini" it's aweeeesome!!  I carry around a lot of fear about hurting myself- you know, after breaking my back and all... I am a tad afraid of certain things. I always dream of getting into crow pose but my fear always prevents me... well tonight I just kept saying to go for the pose lovingly and to be supportive of myself... And sure enough, I got it. For only 1 second, but it's a step!!  Then, this week, after 8 years of being afraid of plow pose (it's a pretty deep and intense pose for my body) I have been able to put it in to my practice again!!!  I am soooo happy!!

So despite the fact that the day sarted a bit rough... i am so happy with the way it turned out.

I hope you're having a good week! 

Fit dreams,
Xo Jeni

Monday, December 1, 2014

Discipline December

hey Jen!
  How was your thanksgiving?!?  Did you see family, stay active, eat lots of pie??? Thanksgiving is so strange... The week before, I feel like "oh there's plenty of time before the Holidays and year end" and then the day after it's like instant ticking clock mode... It's December 1st. Soon to be Christmas and then New year, then our bday and then Valentines day.... I know there is so much to do in the coming weeks and months. It can be easy to get overwhelmed. 

Today I read an instagram hashtag "discipline december"- the gal was saying that no matter what the craziness she wants to have the discipline to value her commitment to health/fitness. We both know how easy it is to get off track. It starts with putting our goals asside for one day... And then all of a sudden it's been a week since we took a walk or checked in with our personal thoughts- you know besides the thoughts of checklists, deadlines and stress.  I really want to stay disciplined this December too!  

So, this last week, as an official Tone It Up gal has really helped me to make some pretty cool chamges to my normal behaviors. I have eaten 5 small meals a day for the last 8 days and worked out 7 out of the 8 days!  Changing my habits/attitude towards eating has made a huge difference in my enegery level. I haven't had coffee since last Saturday and I have not at any point of the day (other than bed time) felt sleepy!!  

Besides influencing my eating style, the last week I have been more motivated to push myself than ever before. I never really made time for crosstraining or challanged myself (outside of running).  Well this past week has been totally different. The pictures above are from my HIIT workout Saturday. I did a 3 mile tempo run- running at a normal pace for one song and then pushing it for the next song- alternating for the 3 miles.  Then i came home and did 8 exercises for time, gulped some water and then did the 8 exercises again. Look how toasted I am in the bottom picture!!!  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. So these 8 exercises get your heart PUMPING!!  My butt is still sore today- and I love it!  

So what on your agenda this week?  

Look forward to your check in!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Yesterday was Magic

hey Jen!  
  Yesterday was one of those GREAT days!!  Motivation was endless and everything seemed beautiful and blessed. I woke up early and despite the pouring rain took Roscoe for a 2 mile walk.  I ate only REAL food and plenty of it (I actually cooked dinner- a rarity for me). I finished my application for a job I really want but was too nervous to apply for and then went to the gym where I pushed my workout harder than I have in years!!

So, where did this motivation come from?  Well for a year and a half I have been admiring Tone It Up. Do you know about these gals??  They are beautiful and positive and brilliant. They have a nutrition plan that breaks down all the aspects of nutrition that I could never wrap my brain around. Lately, and maybe it's because turning 30 is only a month and a half away... I've become so much more aware of my body and that I am lucky to have my health- but despite all my exercise, I don't really treat it right. "You can't out exercise a bad diet". So I decided to make some changes and bite the bullet and join the Tone It Up community. Yesterday I treated life as a gift and I felt so lucky and joyful. We have organic produce and meat at our disposal year round- how privileged are we?!?!  I know I'm no fast food junkie- eating organic has always been second nature to me but I sure do allow daily over-endulgances and when life gets busy grab for cookies instead of a real meal far too often.  I know I burn a lot of calories during my long runs but I never thought to replenish with whole foods, rather than an entire box of "organic cookies/ice cream"....

  So this is it, our last 45 days before turning 30.... Let's value ourselves and our bodies and feel special and lucky to have them and now let's treat them right!!  Isn't true health the best gift we could receive?!  And we have the power to gift it to ourselves!!!!

  Let's love our bodies and our progress (just like you did the other morning on your walk/run... I'm proud of you for being positive!!)


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Family Time

Hey Jen!
  Girl I am so proud of your success and determination over the last few weeks!!  I always get so much more out of early morning workouts than night time workouts. I feel like you get a totally different view of the world and of people and boy sunrise sure is a sight to see!!  Are you going to classes or just doing workouts from your arsenel? 

I've been keeping up with activity the last week but have actually taken a break from running and decided to delay to a half marathon at the beginning of March. My knee has been in more pain than ever and as it turns out, I'm suffering from an overly tight IT band and need to focus on crosstraining and stretching.  This is NOT a set back, although I really wanted to do the half in January...  I'll restart my running plan Dec 15th. So until then it will be lots of kettle bells, yoga and cycling. 

  Last Sunday Ev, Roscoe and I went to the land conservation area for some outside active family time. I gotta say, those are my favorite dates!!  We really live a environmentally rich area and I love being able to experience it as a family!!

So now we are a week away from Thanks Giving... How do you plan to stay active and combat endless desserts and third helpings?!?!

Look forward to hearing from you. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Small successes

Hey Jeni! 

How has your week been? How is training going for your half marathon? I admire your will to try winter running.  As I go to the gym each morning, I see a lot of runners that's are out in the 5am hour with all of their gear. It sends a shiver down my spine when I see that the temperature is in the 30s! 

This week was week 2 of my morning workout routine. I can say that I am still going strong in waking up and getting to the gym before work. I had some sleep glitches towards the end of the week, but I am hoping to continue to work on my sleep hygiene with at least 7 hours per night. 

Overall I have been enjoying the morning workout. It is difficult to want to go to bed between 9-10 pm because I am such a night owl! I have been able to become pretty organized and able to stay committed. The feeling is wonderful. I am starting to feel better that I am working out more frequently. I find that when I am working out I have a desire to eat better and treat my body better. 

On Tuesday, we had a really warm day! At some point in the day I believe that I saw 70 degrees outside! I chose to do an outside 3 miler. I will say, I had some difficulty! I had a hard time breathing and I felt really heavy. On the second half of the run, I cooled down to interval speed walking and running. Overall, I finished with about an 11:00 minute pace, which is interesting because when I first started running my pace was between 11:00-12:00. I think that even though I walked some, it shows how my pace has improved since I decided to try this running thing.  

My response to the workout was the highlight. Generally if I have a less than successful workout, I tend to get frustrated! However, this time around I tried to remain grounded and reminded myself that it's ok that this workout wasn't perfect! If I am always hard on myself it can certainly lead to more stress and frustration, which isn't good! 

Hope you've had a stellar week! 



Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mixing it up

Hey Jeni! 

Glad we are back on track here. I can tell you for the past few months I haven't been focusing much on fitness. It's been a side bar to my life, and I haven't liked it! 

I've been doing some things that haven't been too healthy- not enough sleep, not enough exercise and eating a lot of processed foods. Overall, this has contributed to some weight gain (ugh!) 

So I sat down and re-evaluated my priorities recently and realized that the reason I haven't been working out as much is because I am too tired after work. I've been working a lot recently so it's been difficult to balance my workout plan. When I am working out and feeling good, I tend to want to match appropriate eating behaviors with that. In the end, I decided that I needed to make a change to ensure that I have proper balance in my life and can resume consistent workouts.

I am going to work out in the morning! Woah! Now, to ensure I accomplish this, I have to get up between 5am and 5:30am to get to the gym by 6am so that I get in a proper workout and am able to make it to work on time. What a rush! 

I'm happy to report that I was able to follow through on this plan four out of five workdays! I am now on track to have a five day workout week, which is not bad while I am getting back on track! 

On the weekends I am going to do what I can for workouts at whatever time I want. 

We'll see how next week goes. What do you think?


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Double Header

Jen, Jen, Jen, 
  I am loving this week!  I am in such an incredible mood since Monday!!  It's because of all my running! Tuesday was my intense NY day filled with interviews and tutoring and I set a goal of waking up at 5:30 to get in 5 miles before getting on the train...  I did it!  It was a beautiful sunrise- as you see in Picture 1. Then when I came home Wednesday, I sewed all day and despite how much work I had yet to do, I laced up, threw on my headlamp and hit the road for another 5 miles- as you see in picture 2.  I have such a feeling of calm the latt few days and I am sleeping soooo much better!!  5 runs in one week sure makes a positive difference in who I am!!!  Check out photo #3- after glow- the only time in life I ever feel truly beautiful is after a run when my skin is glowing from sweat and I'm not wearing a stitch of makeup. (Gotta keep this up!!)

Tomorrow is another busy day. I plan to be up by 7, hit the road for a 4 mile run, eat a super protien packed breakfast and then get back to sewing.  

Now you fill me in... I'm dying to hear everything. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Training Plan

Hey Girl,
 This past weekend was rainy, blustery and darn right cold!  I find "nasty" elements to be so utterly inspiring- and before I knew it, I was picking out a January half marathon. Why I have this reaction I have no idea!  I guess it's better than wanting to hibernate.
  Since last year I have been using the Nike+ app to record my runs- yesterday I set myself up with a 12 week Nike+ intermediate coaching plan. Today was training run #1. Just a gentle 3 miler. Boy was it beautiful out.  Because of how cold it was the last few days I expected it to be the same today, despite the blue skies- so I layered up in all my best "cold weather gear". A few minutes in it was clear I was WAY overdressed and had to ditch my hat, gloves and neckwarmer along the route.  I was on an absolute runners high afterwards!!  

Tomorrow I have a long day in the City and an early train to catch. I have two job interviews and am tutoring a middle schooler.  It's also voting day!!  The plan has a 5 mile run scheduled for me and I refuse to let a busy day get in the way- i need this run for so many reasons. My mental health, a reminder that things that are important to me are infact valuable things and to relieve some of this major stress I'm barely managing... So I have decided to set my alarm for 5:30am and hit the pavement before the sun comes up!!  I am hoping that when my alarm goes off knowing that I have stated this all to you will help insure that I don't snooze myself outta a good run. 

What are your voting day plans?!  

Look forward to reading all about em.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

And just like "that", it's November

Hey Jen!
  November- my goodness it's November!! Gosh I am so excited!!  Cold weather running is my favorite!  Maybe because it's invigorating or maybe because it signals the start of such a beautiful and magical season and the closing of yet another year.  The last few days I have been daydreaming about a Turkey Trot and wondering which to do this year?!  And making plans to finish this year off strong. I have so many things to catch you up on and I'm sure you do too!    I'll start with recaping my first cold weather run and over the next few days will fill you in on the rest. 
 Check the picture- it was crisp!!  My ears were cold and my cheeks were rosy!  I purchased new kicks on Thursday and broke them in this weekend by going slow and steady. I was short on time and it was great to get outside. I am always so proud of myself when I choose to use a half hour to get in a few miles rather than cruise pintrest. 

What's your favorite "short on time" workout?  

What is going on with your fitness?  

Can't wait to catch up. 


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Miles and Puddles

Hey Jen!
  I just wanted to check in and tell you about my day!  I'm in Lenox, MA this week staying with a student of mine from last year and her sister while their parents are out of town. I set my alarm for 6am today, to get up and make a good breakfast for the girls before school. I woke up to pouring rain and instantly knew I had to go for a run once I dropped tbe girls off at school. I'm not sure what it is about the rain, but I am so motivated, especially to run when it rains. Strangely, a sunny day does nothing for me. This town is so beautiful, even when it's grey and wet. I haven't been able to go over 3 miles since June because of my knee, but today I set out knowing I could do more.  I ran 5 miles and didn't want to stop!  I was running through puddles and leaves were falling all around me- it was magical. I feel like myself again!!  A slower version of me (hey, i'm out of practice) but still like me!  

So now, tell me, how is everything?  Were you able to get back on track after your vaykay in Belgium?  How does it feel to be a runner again?!  I'm so proud and excited for you!  Now we can chat all about gear and share inspo quotes!  

Looking forward to your update!

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Rosy Cheeks are Back!!

  Oh my gawd. I can't believe it has been so long... What's new???   I see on FB that you're running!  I can't wait to hear/read all about it.  I have to admit that my fitness level and activities drastically dropped off for a few months. Back in June I hurt my knee so badly that there were days over the last few months that it was excruciating to walk up or down the stairs at home.  Well over the last month I got back in the habit of walking 2-4 miles a day with Roscoe and it seems as though my knee is better!!  I'm in the city this week and went for a run through Ditmas Park last night and there was no pain!  I was back to my normal self!  I went for a run 7 weeks ago and was near tears i was in so much pain... I was "running" or rather limping at a 12min/mile pace... Last night I felt like I was flying!!  And then nike+ told me I was running a 9:47/mile, which is actually very slow for me, but hey, compared to 7 wks ago, that is flying. I am soooo sooo sooo beyond happy to be back!  I just don't really feel whole when I'm not running. I'm going to run again today and this time through Prospect Park- wish me luck!   There's really nothing that compares to exercised-induced rosy cheeks, am i right?!?!  

Xo xo

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The R Word

Hey Jeni! 

How have you been? I'm sad that you don't have a computer to write to me, but luckily I can keep this up and running for the both of us! 

RUN. run. R-U-N. 

That's all I ever want to do and I'm not supposed to do it. 

I've been working on training off my knee braces for months and I finally feel like I can workout successfully without as much support. I am continuing with my strength training (3x per week). I makes me so sad that I can't do something that I would really like to do. 

Running opens up the door to a sprint tri or some other fun activity that I would like to scratch off my bucket list. 

But I'm not supposed to do it. The problem is, I'm not 100% convinced that I cannot run. I think I can with the right training plan. I've already trained myself to run once before, why not try again? 

Enter my sister with a great idea to consider running a 5k with her and my desire to what I'm not supposed to do turns into what maybe I'm supposed to try. 

So what did I do today? I did a strength based workout with a short 15 minute low effort walk/run rotation. It only involved 3.5 minutes of running. No big deal. 

From here, it's a waiting game to see how I feel tomorrow. I'm hoping that tomorrow goes well! 



Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Sunday Smoothie

Hey Jeni! 

How are you? Make any good dresses this weekend? 

I wanted to share with you my favorite smoothie recipe. I have been drinking this smoothie for awhile now and everyday I love it. I got the idea from a friend and it's been love ever since! 

It's a wonderful green smoothie but still zesty and fruity:

Coconut water (could also do water but it balances the flavor)
Lemon juice
Ginger powder 
Parsley (only a handful here)

You mix all these ingredients together in a blender and enjoy! You can adjust the taste based on the ratio of kale to pineapple. I prefer an equal mix. You can also decide how much ginger you put it. I love ginger so I put in about ten shakes of powder. 

Lately I have been trying to work some hemp powder into the smoothie but I have noticed that it drastically changes the taste. It's a little chalky. I attempted to sweeten with agave nectar (which I really am a fan of right now instead of honey) but it still has that taste. Additional protein in this shake is appreciated, but my options are really limited with my food sensitives. Any suggestions? 

Anyways, today I planning on some weight training with a little bit of cardio. I have a wedding to go to later that I have to prep for. Lots of things going on! 

Tell me about your weekend, I would love to hear about it!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Too much hype


I'm sitting around drinking a kombucha and thinking. It's a refreshing evening for me to sit around and overthink life. So tonight I provide you with one of my most honest posts yet. 

So I ask you this... What drives you to be healthy? To "get that body?" Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in all the hype to please others? 

As I think back over the almost two years that I have been working on my fitness, part of me wonders if I have been playing into the hype. I want to look good if that I happen to run into so and so when I'm back Albany. I'm concerned about abs on the beach. Heaven forbid I have a bit of cellulite on my thighs at the pool. I want my hair long because that's how mermaids and Victoria's Secret Angels wear it. 

Let me enlighten you to the photo that I think captures one of the happiest times in my life: 

Now no one needs to be a genius to see I'm likely not svelte in this photo. In fact, I likely weigh 40-50 pounds more than I do now. Not many people were really "looking" at me at this point. I was happy regardless though. Where did that confidence and spark go? I rocked that body. Sometimes I don't want to even look at this one. 

I often share this photo to demonstrate my progress with weight loss and meeting goals. People like to laugh at it (Ok, I laugh at it too) and remark that I've changed a lot. It's only once that someone said to me, "You look really happy in this photo, where were you?" They focused on me as a person, not me and my weight. 

Why do I care what people think? Why keep my hair long when the whole point of it is to donate it to kids that have cancer? Because of the hype! 

I never started out this way. I did not give a s*** in high school. I wore neosporin on my face to heal my pimples all day long. But today, I want those abs, the skin of  20 year old who has tanned and no cellulite. On the other hand, I feel the best I have in my life, I'm excited to be fit. I was sad to miss workouts while on vacation. My body didn't work right. I'm excited to get toned up and my energy levels back. Where is the balance. How do I not buy into the hype and the often unattainable expectations that the media and society sets for women? 

Today I was reminded that maybe the hype doesn't matter so much. Whether I have abs or not is not going to change what people think or the actions they take.  Mostly because most people won't see them but that's besides the point. My abs will not control if you or the person next to you like me or not. Toned arms will not ensure my success in life or the amount in my retirement fund.  A defined rear end will not ensure a long and healthy relationship.

I'm humbled today.  I'm brought down to earth on what matters. The abs are great, but the mind is greater. 

Jeni, I value you, not because you are saucy in your homemade dresses, but dang girl, you make awesome dresses! Your spirit amazes me and your energy rocks. Keep that up. It's NOT hype. 

Your humbled Duder, 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Falling Off Track and Getting it Back!

Hey Jeni! 

It's been almost two months since my last post! Oh my gosh! 

As you know, I recently spent three blissful weeks in Europe. The first part I tried to stay active and even went to a gym there, but then I slipped into glorious sweets, cheese, bread, and wine ( how could I not?). An example is below: 

Everything is so fresh and looks yummy! I went down to Corsica for a few days where everyday I went to a market to pick up fresh local foods. You would gave loved it! 

From there things started to get gluttonous. Desserts, pasta, more bread, and more cheese! 

It was so much fun, but a great test to see how my body would react. As expected, I gained some pounds! Fifteen to be exact! 

So now I'm on a little challenge to work things off. I'm well on my way I think.  I forgot how addicting sweets can be! In fact, I've been having to adjust back into my plant based, lean protein diet by phasing out breads and other non plant carbs. I was pretty surprised. I'm still working on this but it's getting there. 

I share thus because I think it's good to know that the body sets itself up to crave these things. Then we can get upset when we want food perfection and to control everything that goes in the mouth. When making dietary adjustments, patience is needed! 

So, tell me what have you been up to? Anything exciting to report? 



Ps. Did I mention I'm learning a lot about being patient this week? 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Touring and Curing

Hey Jeni! 

Doesn't time fly when you are having fun! I checked out the blog today to learn that I haven't written you in two weeks. Where the heck did the time go? 

Oh yeah, that's right! I've been cycling, working, and then working at the gym even harder (oh yeah!). 

My vacation to Belgium is in a week and I half and my bag isn't even packed! But I have been getting ready to debut that summer bod! 

But let's go back to the Tour de Cure. I am happy to report that I had a very very successful ride this year. We rode the metric century (62.5) miles at a 15mph pace while supporting a wonderful cause (American Diabetes Association). 

Here we are at the starting line:

Here we are at rest stops throughout the way:

And our lovely bikes that got us through:

Overall I am very pleased with how everything went. I rode with my teammate Keri throughout the entire ride and met with other cyclists that I knew during the ride. 

Two things improved from last year

#1 I raised more money to stop diabetes! 

#2 I completed the ride faster and with less pain compared to last year 

Both of these things make me very happy. 

How have you been? How is your bike? Any biking plans coming up? 


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Let's Give it a TRI

Hey Jen!
  My gosh, I am dying to hear how your ride went and what you've been up to since!  This last week flew by!  I promise that despite my lack of writing I have been staying active.  I'm going to skip over the week and tell you about last night.  E and I volunteered at the HVTC's first TRI of the season.  It was such an awesome experience.  It rained all day and stopped just in time for the race.  We arrived to see the fog lifting off the lake- providing for a breath-taking setting.  Watching the athletes hit the water was something I'll never forget.  It was a blast to be on the cheering squad throughout the race.  E and I manned the transition station from the Bike to Run portion and it really gave me a look at what it will be like next month when I join in.  I was so impressed with the sense of community that surrounded the race- everyone was outgoing and ultra supportive.  I even made some new workout friends and got some great advice!   E and I are going to start meeting up with a few others once a week to do a swim/bike/run workout.  I'm really looking forward to getting in to the water... it's the part that scares me the most!

I've been sewing all day and am now taking a break on the couch- I'm fighting a nasty cold and want to do my best to get rid of it before my half on Sunday... let's hope!  So now tell me all about what's being going on this week and what's coming next for you?

Stay Fit

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Halfway There...

  It's JUNE!   We started writing this blog six months ago as a way to share our goals, hardships and triumphs in regards to our health and fitness.  I can't believe we are already here, halfway through the year.  This weekend I took some time to reflect on my "Goal List" from January and to evaluate my progress thus far.  It was actually really awesome to see how far I've come on some things and to also refocus on some others! 

Here are the facts:

1. I was hoping to run 3) 1/2 marathons by next January.  Next weekend is my 3rd and I'm already registered for 2 more by September.

2. I planed to run a full marathon and was aiming for October... I can honestly say, I'm not to sure I want to do it.  I am really enjoying running half's and being able to set new goals for time... I may want to play at this distance a bit more.

3. Incorporate yoga in my every day... I don't know why I haven't... This will help me to refocus and realize how often I chose to stare at the wall when I'm stressed than do what is truly helpful.  

4. Drink more water... I have to say, on the whole I am doing MUCH better... although I sometimes will go almost the entire day and realize I haven't had any water... those are super stressful days.

5. Use my bike for transportation: CHECK! 

6.  I am toying with the idea of doing my first TRI next Wednesday or just volunteering and waiting until next month... it sort of seems like I should just go for it! 

7. Hopes of becoming a confident swimmer: I start swimming lessons next week! 

8. Wear sun screen while outdoor exercise: CHECK! 

9. COMPLIMENT MY BODY!  I have to say, this has made the biggest difference of all.  I am so much happier and strangely, so much faster, stronger and ballsy than ever.  (I even went sea kayaking this weekend with Everett and surprised us both with how brave I was... more on that tomorrow)

So, have you taken the time to reflect now that we're at the "halfway mark"?  How do you feel?  What have you accomplished?  What have you learned?  What do you need to refocus on?  

Now, keep making goals and demolishing them!  I sure hope to!  



Saturday, May 31, 2014


Everett and his Velo Orange Campeur
Hey Girl!
 A few weeks ago E and I went on an incredible cycling adventure that made us fall absolutely in love with where we live.  It was the day before the Steel Rail Half and I wanted to get in some cardio but not pound the pavement so this ride was perfect!  We started by going to a farmer's market in Redhook, about 9 miles from the house.  A local farm sells their orgainc/humanely raised chickens and eggs that we haven't found elsewhere and we think are just delectable.  Recently while at this market we met another woman, who makes an all-natural cure all elixir- a mix of lemon, honey and ginger called: Immune Schein.  Everett had a little bit of a cold at the time so she suggested he try a few drops in a cup of hot water- he decided to buy a small bottle (not sure it would work).  He added a few drops to hot water (a few times) for the day and woke up the next day feeling splendid.  So now we make it a habit of getting a larger bottle every time we go.  I now have it rather than tea in the morning.
  After the farmers market we rode into the next town- Tivoli.  Main st. in Tivoli has a handful of restaurants and one cafe that we love in particular called Murray's.  Before we got our bikes we talked about wanting them specifically to be able to bike to Murray's on Sunday morning for brunch rather than drive there.  So during our ride we stopped for some iced beverages and an oatmeal raisin cookie (for some reason their cookies are so dang good!!)
  After snacks we headed towards home.  On our way we passed the entrance to the Clermont Historic Site and decided to make the detour.  It was such a stunning view!  We had been there a handful of times before, but there was something more magical about arriving by bicycle.  Perhaps because we entered more slowly or could actually feel the fresh air and sun... whatever it was, we were so happy.
  Overall we did 22 miles that day.  After such a hard winter here we had forgotten what an incredible place we live in.  Our bikes have really helped us to realize the beauty and wonder of the Hudson Valley.  I really hope you can make it out to ride here sometime.

First stop at the Greig Farm Saturday Market- we LOVE this market!

Me and my Specialized!!  Taking a break over the Hudson River.
The Clermont Historic Site: absolute beauty!

I love your post about kale chips- we LOVE kale in this household.  Glad you finally went for it and made a batch.  Thanks too for your encouragement to go for the Olympic.  I think you're right, come September, I'm just gunna do it.

So what do you have on the horizon this weekend?  E and I leave today to go spend the next 4 days in Marblehead, MA with my family.  I can not wait to run, bike, drink tea and lay near the ocean!!  I'll keep you updated on all of our adventures!

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Food Fridays: Kale Chips!

Hey Jeni! 

How are you? I didn't get to post a recipe last week but I wanted to post on something I have been wanting to try- kale chips! 

I've been told that they are really easy, but I was always afraid to try them for various reasons:

1. How much time does it take?
2. I don't want to drench them in too much oil! 
3. What do I want to put on them?

So tonight, because I want to celebrate all of my fitness progress recently, I made some! 

The trick here is this... Put them in a mixing bowl and toss with oil prior to going in the pan. I felt like I got a much more equal distribution of oil. After I put the oil on them, I sprinkled on some sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 

Here is how they looked! 

After that, they were gone within 5 minutes so I made another batch! This time I used Trader Joe's South African Smoke seasoning. I am pretty excited for this batch too. 

The ingredients are as follows:
Olive oil (I used a half a tablespoon instead of the recommended 1 tablespoon)
Seasonings of your choice




Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Abs have it

Hey Jeni! 

I am so excited to hear about your good training day! That's awesome. Training with others is helpful. I remember last year when I was new to my bike some really nice people helped me along with way with shifting suggestions and other things. I've also learned good road etiquette to benefit both cyclists and drivers. I think overall awareness of sharing the road and knowing eachothers space is a good thing. The ride of silence seems to promote this. 

Your friend does sound like a badass! Sometimes it makes me wonder if I want to try an Aqua-Bike, which is swimming and biking only. There aren't too many of them around but it would be something to reach for.  I think you should take advantage of the great shape you are in and your athletic ability and go for whatever you see fit. Maybe do the sprint tri as a training tri for the Olympic one?! That way you get a sense of how things go! 

Well on to my next "challenge." I am a month away from my trip to Europe. Of course, buying a little bit into the "concert fest workout" and the concert fest bod, I have decided to do this 30 day ab challenge that I found on Facebook. It involves sit ups, crunches, leg lifts and planks. I watched some YouTube videos on the correct form as a reminder. None of these exercises are effective without proper technique. The numbers increase each day and there are built in rest days. For some extra fun, I am going to add in some oblique work on the side to enhance the results. 

Today was day one. And I may have taken a before picture.  In my new bikini. We'll have to wait and see if I have the balls to do anything with that. 

Have you trained with your new friend since this last post? Are you training with anyone else? Have you gotten any good tips to share? 


Ps. Your snack looks yum. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Comfort Zone or Adventure?

my new favorite snack: carob chips and almonds!!

Hey Jen,
  I really admire your ride of silence; I have yet to get on my bike and not think of Diva.  I hope some day that the US will be a much more bike friendly country.  How was the ride?  Do people outside of the riding community know about it?  How does it help to spread the word of "sharing the road"?  I think that's a really important message.  
  So I have been gearing up to do my first triathlon this summer.  I'm really looking forward to a new challenge and becoming a part of such a cool community.  Today I met up with a girl who's a member of the local tri-club.  She has a half-Ironman at the end of next month- let me tell, that is impressive- 1.2mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run- ALL IN A ROW!  I was really happy to train with someone who is such a badass!  Tonight we did a bike/run sequence.  We started with a 13 mile ride.  The distance isn't all that far, but it was the longest ride I had done at such a consistent pace.  Last week, E and I  covered double that distance but in a much more leisurely fashion.  Until today, I have used cycling as a gentle form of cardio with running as my main focus.  Today was the first time cycling felt like actual exercise.  We covered all 13 miles in an hour.  Then we hit the 5k (3.1 miles) loop on foot.  I have been planning on doing a Sprint tri in September- 0.4 mile swim, 12.4 mile bike and 3.1 mile.  But after tonight, finishing with ease I know that those distances might be too much in my comfort zone.  So I now wonder, should I push myself to go for the next level?  The Olympic.  If I worked all Summer on the Sprint distances I bet I could be pretty competitive or I could push myself and do something more challenging- i.e. more adventurous.  What would you do?  
  After our workout I grabbed my new favorite snack.  Carob chips and almonds.  Now I am reading female triathlete blogs and researching distances...  Do you like to "geek-out" over things the way I do?  When I get an idea in my head I like to read all about other people's experiences to determine if I think I'm capable.  My new friend Devon, who I trained with tonight is so gutsy, she has only done one Sprint tri, years ago and is now going for a Half-Ironman.  She makes me feel so inspired, like I should just go for it!  

What do you have going on the rest of the week?  Can't wait to tell you all about my upcoming weekend!  

sleep tight, fit dreams!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Hey Jeni! 

This past week has been very busy for me! Thank you for keeping me posted on all of your progress! I am super stoked that you were recommended to be at an advanced level on your Nike app! That's awesome! 

There are a few reasons that I haven't been able to update you. The first being my training schedule for the Tour de Cure and the other I will talk to you about this week. 

I want to tell you all about my Wednesday ride, the Ride of Silence ( This is a national and worldwide ride that has been taking place of ten years in memory and honor of cyclists that have been injured or killed while cycling. This was the first year that I rode the ride and I did so I'm memory of Diva. 

It was a very somber and quiet ride. There were many cyclists that came to the event and we all rode together to honor many people. The goal of the ride, in addition to remembering people, is to promote cyclist's rights of the road and to raise awareness of sharing the road. 

I will write to you about my other updates in another post. For now I will sign off and dedicate this post to our good friend Diva de Loayza. 


Hello Sailor!

Hey girl!
  Happy Memorial Day!  I can't remember a better memorial day than this.  Everett and I had 6 friends visiting since Thursday which was a nice break in all the sewing I've been doing.  This morning, our friend Anna and I did a 9 mile run.  We planned on 10, but  let me tell you, it was HOT.  The sun was so much stronger than we expected and it was the first real "summer" run.  It was 80* at 10 am.  At mile 6 we were both so dehydrated and warn out (my little fuel belt water bottles did not stand a chance... especially split between 2 people).  We stopped to take a breath after a pretty sizable hill and I saw a family outside in their yard and Anna and I decided to humble ourselves and ask for some water.  This incredible neighbor actually got us each a water bottle.  She was a life saver!  Without that we wouldn't have been able to keep going.  I had difficulties breathing again today and I realized, it's the first week of humidity.  I've got to figure this out, or maybe just run super early or much later to avoid it.  I've been getting to know Anna over the last few months, and I have to say that running always helps bond a friendship in ways that "normal life" dones't.  I don't often talk openly about my anxiety issues or admit how much they really hold me back, but today I talked to Anna about it.  I felt free after, to be much more myself than usual.  

After we made it back from our run we jumped in our pond.  For 2 years I have been too hesitant to do that.  I'm not sure what it was that was scaring me or what it was holding me back to begin with, but I kept telling myself it was a bad idea.  I was so proud of myself for doing it. Now I can't wait to swim every day this summer!   Check out my cute sailor suit!  My mom got it for me the other day, she saw it and just knew I'd love it!

So what did you do today?  Did you get to enjoy the warmth and sunshine? How long until your Tour de Cure ride?  Are you getting excited? 

Speak soon, I HOPE!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Recuperation is KEY

Not able to catch my breath yesterday, but it still felt pretty good! 

Hey Jen!
  Where are you??  What are you up to?  I'm dying to hear your updates!!  I'm still so happy about the race last Sunday.  I've never finished so strong or felt so proud.  Usually I am so worn out and exhausted that it takes me a year to even consider doing another.  Well, Sunday night I googled a bunch of upcoming races and have already registered for next months (and planned out the next 6 months of races too)!!  

  I started the week with some major recuperation.  Monday I went to an amazing yoga class.  Sometimes the teacher just hits every spot I need and this teacher was incredible.  For anyone in or near Hudson, NY, go to Gaura's Monday night Community class at Bodhi.  I mean, AMAZING!  Then on Tuesday I went to Bodhi for an 1.5 hour massage.  Whoa, I paid a pretty penny, but when I woke up on Wednesday all the kinks were gone and I felt incredible. (shout out to Ellen, who was strong enough to get into my excessively tight muscles!)   I didn't run again until yesterday- I just didn't feel my body telling me I was truly ready until yesterday.  I was short on time so I just did 3 miles.  Every once in a while I just can't catch my breath.  It was like that yesterday.  I'm not sure why really.  But my times were pretty cool: Mile 1- 9:19, Mile 2- 8:35, Mile 3- 8:25.  

  I saw a pic of you and your bike on FB and am anxiously awaiting the story that goes along with it.  Can't wait to read your update!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blueberry Lemon Zest Paleo Muffins


Hey Jen!  I told you a few weeks ago about the blueberry muffins I made from the Practical Paleo cookbook and how amazing they were.  Well, as a testament to how good they are, I am making them again this morning.  Last time we ate them as dessert they are that delicious.  We topped them with Vanillia Coconut "ice cream".  SO incredible.  It tasted so indulgent but had way less sugar than a typical dessert.  
Ingredients:  Makes 12
6 eggs
1/2 cup butter or coconut oil (melted)
1 tsp vanilla 
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 lemon, juice and zest 
(the recipe says to leave out the lemon if you want a more basic muffin)

1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup FRESH blueberries


Preheat oven to 350* F
Prep time 15 minutes
 Bake for 35-40 minutes

Wisk eggs, butter or Coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup, lemon juice + zest in a mixing bowl.  
Sift in coconut flour, salt and baking soda.  
Gently fold in blueberries.

I highly recommend that you use cupcake papers.  The first batch stuck to the pan, even though I greased it first.  (I took this opportunity to buy adorable papers!!)

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Goal Crusher

Hey Girl!  Today was the best day ever!!!  I did it!!  I reached my goal... better yet, I crushed my goal!  I came in at 1 hour, 54 minutes and 37 seconds!  16 minutes faster than last year!!  My first 3 miles were all under 8:29- they felt easy too.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to keep it up, so I made myself slow down a bit.  I lowered my pace to around an 8:45.  I have never felt so strong.  Last year I hit a wall at mile 10.  I was starving, dehydrated and utterly depleted.  This time it never happened.  Durning the race I reminded myself of all the things that prepared me for today, both as a way to encourage me and as a way to celebrate all of my hard work.  Since January I have run nearly 200 miles, several of my runs were over 10 miles.  I also began to refuel while running.  Today I ran with coffee chia seed bars and I know that made a positive impact on my time.  I crossed the finish line sprinting and smiling.  I had to fight back tears as I did it.  When a volunteer handed me my metal I was so overwhelmed with joy and pride.  

Following are my official results!
My soon-to-be sister-in-law also crushed her PR.
My supporter.  E.

After the race I ate more food than I have ever eaten.  Usually when I log longer miles I don't feel very hungry.  So I was uber impressed with my ability to put it down!!  What is your favorite food after a long ride?  I reach for chocolate milk right away! I fully intend on getting a massage tomorrow, boy my hips, legs and shoulders are tight!!

What did you do this weekend?  

Glad I could share my excitement with you!  Can't wait to hear about your excursions!

xo Jeni