Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Happy Practice

Hey Jen,
  How was your day??  Mine was a bit of a rollercoaster... I slept horribly last night, tossed and turned and maybe got a combined 4 hours of sleep. I'm typically a solid 8-9 hours of blissful sleep kinda gal... But today I was meeting up with two new running friends and I was way too pumped to miss out. So I met with them at 8 and ran 3.5 miles. When I came home I was hoping to do 3 sets of this arms and abs routine but was sooooo wiped out that I did only one set. I realized that on no sleep and just a banana for breakfast I wasn't going to break any records... So I made some protein pancakes and then did another set. I was sort of bummedout about my weak performance. But i kept reminding myself to be kind and compassionate. 

This evening I did a little self-led yoga practice and it was incredible!!! First of all, I found a pandora station called "yogini" it's aweeeesome!!  I carry around a lot of fear about hurting myself- you know, after breaking my back and all... I am a tad afraid of certain things. I always dream of getting into crow pose but my fear always prevents me... well tonight I just kept saying to go for the pose lovingly and to be supportive of myself... And sure enough, I got it. For only 1 second, but it's a step!!  Then, this week, after 8 years of being afraid of plow pose (it's a pretty deep and intense pose for my body) I have been able to put it in to my practice again!!!  I am soooo happy!!

So despite the fact that the day sarted a bit rough... i am so happy with the way it turned out.

I hope you're having a good week! 

Fit dreams,
Xo Jeni

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