Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Falling Off Track and Getting it Back!

Hey Jeni! 

It's been almost two months since my last post! Oh my gosh! 

As you know, I recently spent three blissful weeks in Europe. The first part I tried to stay active and even went to a gym there, but then I slipped into glorious sweets, cheese, bread, and wine ( how could I not?). An example is below: 

Everything is so fresh and looks yummy! I went down to Corsica for a few days where everyday I went to a market to pick up fresh local foods. You would gave loved it! 

From there things started to get gluttonous. Desserts, pasta, more bread, and more cheese! 

It was so much fun, but a great test to see how my body would react. As expected, I gained some pounds! Fifteen to be exact! 

So now I'm on a little challenge to work things off. I'm well on my way I think.  I forgot how addicting sweets can be! In fact, I've been having to adjust back into my plant based, lean protein diet by phasing out breads and other non plant carbs. I was pretty surprised. I'm still working on this but it's getting there. 

I share thus because I think it's good to know that the body sets itself up to crave these things. Then we can get upset when we want food perfection and to control everything that goes in the mouth. When making dietary adjustments, patience is needed! 

So, tell me what have you been up to? Anything exciting to report? 



Ps. Did I mention I'm learning a lot about being patient this week? 

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