Friday, February 14, 2014

Choose your Friends Wisely!

    Let's address these brownies...  First off, while reading your post I realized junk food is such a Fr-enemy!!  It is so seductive at first and you think that they will make your life so fun and be there to support you during tough times... the next thing you know, they are stuck to your hips and talking trash behind your back!!  Girl, we're too old for Fr-enemies!!  Alright, all joking aside, I think sometimes revisiting old habits is necessary to remind us why we wanted to make a change to begin with... When I have slip-ups I try to determine why (my fr-enemey is definitely Milano Cookies).  Here are the 3 reasons why I sometimes reach for the MC's.  #1. sometimes I don't budget enough time to be able to eat real meals or search out healthy options (that's a lesson I am learning- making time for proper nourishment should NOT be taken lightly).  #2. sometimes I'm having a terrible day or I am stressed emotionally and I think, Milano's will give me the answer I need (WRONG).  #3. sometimes I am around other people that don't make their health a priority and I pick up on nasty habits (let's hope they don't jump off a bridge...) I need to remember I'm an individual with individual needs and not to follow along with my friends, just " 'cause ".  So, did you consider why you ate the brownies?  In short, I'd say I would stop feeling guilty and evaluate your reason for your over-indulgence and then go Pin some healthy eating inspo's and move forward!

How was your weigh in??  I can't wait to hear all about it!

I hope you have a wonderful day!  
Hugs and Kiss and Fantastic Fitness Wishes!

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