Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cabin Fever

Hey Jenne!
  I can't believe tomorrow is Friday!  I had such a crazy busy week!  (I know, I say that every week)  I really do feel that every minute is accounted for and when I let the schedule slip at all, everything is thrown off for days.  I have to say that I am really proud of myself for taking the time for my health the last 2 weeks and running no matter how much is on my plate.  Today, in between work, a doctors appointment and running to the studio at school to do four hours worth of homework, I fit in a 5k.  I was sort of feeling myself resenting the idea of running on a treadmill... but It was only 20* out... I did something I was very proud of.  I borrowed Everett's snow pants and windbreaker jacket and I layered up!  I felt fearless and so badass to be running outside.  The air hurt my lungs at first and my nose was certainly cold, but it was so incredible to be outside and viewing the incredible sights that yesterday's snowstorm provided.  About a mile in I was so overheated and the extra layers did not help my pace at all, and I sure did look like the abominable snowman... but I did it.  I ran in below freezing temps!  I now feel like I can run outside any time I want... no matter what the elements!  By the time I finished my run it had heated up to 27*-  whoa!!  Running outside in Winter has always been something that scared me.  I'm really afraid of slipping on ice (you did visit me in the hospital when I broke my back, so I'm sure you understand my fear of falling...) but look at me, one step closer to overcoming that fear!
  What about you, how do you feel about being active in questionable weather?  For me, I could never ever ever get on a bike in the rain.  Even the idea of it gives me anxiety.  

  Fridays are my non-exercise day- my training plan and everything I have read say you need at least one day a week to recover.  So I eagerly await Saturday.  I am hoping to run a 5k in under 24 minutes and 30 seconds... FINGERS CROSSED!  

Jealous of your 8 hours of sleep!!!  Some day I'll get that!

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