I can't believe so much time has gone by since I have been able to really check in with you. I am so excited for you and your final weigh in. The Winter is such a hard time, for so many reason and much like Bears, I sometimes wish I could just sleep my way through it. I know, that you have been working hard and getting closer and closer to your fitness challenge goal. Just imagine the results you will have once you can head outside and on your bike!! If it hasn't yet, I'm sure the sun will head to Rochester soon! As far as Spring in Germantown, it has arrived- just yesterday. It is 55* today and sunny and I can not wait to get home and go for a run! I haven't been able to run for a week. The last few days of our trip were so hectic and we spent a lot of time in the car. My last run was in Arcata, CA (the picture above). It was so beautiful there and so warm.
In diet news: I have been put on a non-yeast, non-sugar, non-gluten, non-processed food diet. I was really sick the last week of our trip and it is a Candida issue. That's the yeast that's naturally found in your body. Sometimes it can take over and it is really bad. 5 years ago I was put on the same diet for a year and a half and I felt great... until recently. Now it's back and worse than ever... the Dr warned that if a person has repeated issues with Candida overgrowth, it can be warning signs of adult on-set diabetes. WHOA. I cried! Not only am I seriously and admittedly addicted to sugar, I could be giving myself diabetes. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM!?!? well the last 4 days I have been so good! Eating so clean and so wisely. I have taken the time to make all of my meals and to really acknowledge what it is my body needs. With only 2 days sugar free, the rash on my face went away (it's been there for months). I guess all of this is just my body telling me to straighten up!
How have you been doing with your chips and queso addiction? Will you have before and after photos?? I'd love to see them!!
Looking forward to your updates!
all the best,
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