Friday, January 3, 2014


Jeni, Jeni, Jeni,

I've embarked on a few things today that I haven't done before:

1. Had someone else stand at a scale taking my weight while discussing my weight with me.
2. Had my body fat measured with calipers.
3. Took a "Before" picture.

How does this all tie into queso? Well for starters, I love queso. I love chips.  I love salsa and guacamole. Cheese is a beautiful. However, continued cheese, chips and other indulgences aren't good for the body. Couple it with a sedentary lifestyle and it can lead to problems. I've gained weight since my college years.

That's where I was about a year ago. Sedentary with little regard for how I was treating myself. Then I joined a gym. I bought a road bike.  I hunkered down and lost a solid 15-20 pounds. I felt great!

Then life happened. Work. Family. Stress. Travel.  Busy.  I went to yoga less. I went to the gym less. I got tired.  I needed queso. I gained some of my weight back. I knew what I was doing the whole time and the result it had. I was ok with it. Changes happened quickly.

I snapped out of it a bit about a month or so ago. I thought to myself, there are some places I am looking to be with my fitness level that I think I could use some help with. So I joined my gym's 90 day transformation challenge. I listed my goals as follows:

1. Learning to work past life stressors that can inhibit healthy resting and exercising. Use fitness to address that, not queso!
2. Tone my hip and thigh area. I have a hard time with this area.
3. Some weight loss, due to #2.
4. Improve fitness level so I can ride a 100 mile bike ride.

Today was my weigh in! Tomorrow the challenge officially starts. I'm really excited. However, I felt the need to have a "last supper" of sorts with some queso, guacamole, chips and a salad.

I surprised myself though, I felt a bit like a glutton when I eating all of this stuff. I didn't finish everything (ok I ate practically all the queso but had other leftovers). At the end I thought, I am not sure that I really needed this last supper. I can do this. I am excited to do this!

Change happens. It does. And I cannot wait to tell you how tomorrow goes!


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